Purge the Legend Text style from your drawings

From what I have read, the “Legend” text style comes from AutoCAD Map. But this style has made its way into so many other drawings and is frustrating for those who simply don’t want it in their drawings.

What makes it worse is that the purge command doesn’t purge this style even if it isn’t being used by any objects in your drawing.

The trick is to first delete the “Legend” table style. But you can’t simply delete the Legend table style (how frustrating…)

So for those who want to delete these styles (Text and Table) here’s how:

  • Using the command TABLESTYLE or its alias TS to open the Table Style Editor.
  1. Right click on the Legend table style from the list.
  2. Select Rename from the right-click menu and type in a new name. I used my name spelled backwards “gerg”
  3. Close the Table Style Editor

Reopen the Table Style Editor by hitting enter. (This should relaunch the last used command). Or by using the command TABLESTYLE or alias TS in the command line.

4. Right-click on the renamed table style.

5. Select Delete from the right-click menu.

6. Close the Table Style Editor after the style has been deleted.

With the Table style “Legend” now gone, you can use the purge command and purge out the “Legend” Text Style.

  • Or you can open the Text Style Editor using the command STYLE or its alias ST.
  • Once the editor is open, simply right-click on the “Legend” text style and select Delete.

Note: As long as the text style and table style are not being used by objects in the drawing, this tip should work to get rid of these styles from your drawing. You can even write a script to do this if you would like to do it automatically.


Posted in Civil 3D, Civil 3D Tips, Manage, Modifying, Tables, Text, Trouble Shooting | Leave a comment

Civil 3D Selection Issues Over Images

This is a setting that I always change when I set up my Civil 3D.

Have you ever had an image in your drawing and if you have linework crossing or on top of the image and then you go to select an object that is on top, you can’t? or you have to hold shift in order to select it? It is so annoying.

Well, there is a setting for this issue. But it is a MAP 3D setting.

Here’s how:

  • Enter MAPIOPTIONS (don’t forget the I in the middle of the command – MAP I OPTIONS) Map Image Options.
  • Click on the “General” tab.
  • Uncheck the box next to “Shift+Left Click Image Select”.



Posted in Civil 3D, Civil 3D Tips, Images | Leave a comment

Create New Objects with AddSelected

The tool ADDSELECTED has been in AutoCAD since ACAD 2011 and It has saved me a lot of time.

Regardless of your current settings, such as Layer, Dim Style, Text Style… You can easily recreate an existing object by simply selecting the object, Right-click and select “Add Selected” from the right-click menu.

In the video below, I create a new dimension and a new center line without knowing what layer or style they have. Even if the object has property overrides such as color, linetype, Linetype Scale… Add Selected will set those properties and start the command for you to create a similar object.

Give it a try and see how much it helps!!
There are some limitations to this command to also be aware of.
If you have objects that were created using the Rectangle tool (alias REC) or Polygon tool (alias POL), the resulting object is a polyline. So the Add Selected tool does not know by what means that polyline was created, so it simply starts the Polyline tool (alias PL).
One other issue that I run into is that if I select a polyline that has global width applied, Add Selected doesn’t apply the width.

If you are interested in a LISP alternative, Kent Cooper put together a LISP that allows for versions of AutoCAD prior to ACAD 2011 to be able to have this command. He even addressed the issue of Polygons and Rectangles. He posted the original code [Here].

And I made a blog post showcasing it [Here]

BTW – One of my first blogs posts is about the ADDSELECTED command back in 2010. Check it out here: https://autocadtips1.com/2010/12/09/add-selected/

Posted in AutoLISP: Creating, BASICS, New in 2011, TIPS | Tagged | 2 Comments

Change XREF Layer Colors to One Color

Here is a great lisp routine that lets you simply select an XREF and change all of the XREF’s layers to a specific color (color 253 in this case).

This is useful in some of my work’s drawings because we work with existing conditions as an XREF to the “Proposed” design which is also an XREF. To make the “Proposed” drawing have a good contrast while both drafting and printing, we override the existing drawing XREF’s colors on color 253. With this LISP routine, we can easily do so in one click (as shown below).


;;; Changes the selected XREF's Layer color to AutoCAD Color 253 in the current drawing only
;;; Useful for Existing Base (E-Base) XREFs
(defun c:XR253	(/ xr1 xr2 xr3 xr4 xr5 xr6 tx1 tb1)
  (if (setq
	xr1 (entsel "\nSelect Xref to change all layers to color 253: ")  ;; <--- Change color number as needed
      ) ;_ end of setq
      (setq xr2 (entget (car xr1)))
      (setq tx1 (cdr (assoc 0 xr2)))
      (if (and (= tx1 "INSERT")
	  ) ;_ end of and
	  (setq xr3 (cdr (assoc 2 xr2)))
	  (setq xr4 (tblsearch "block" xr3))
	  (if (setq xr5 (cdr (assoc 1 xr4)))
	      (setq xr6 (strcat xr3 "|*"))
	      (command "-layer" "c" "253" xr6 "")  ;;; <---Change color number as needed
	    ) ;_ end of progn
	    (prompt (strcat "\n" xr3 " is not an X-Ref."))
	  ) ;_ end of if
	) ;_ end of progn
	(prompt "\nNo valid XREF selected")
      ) ;_ end of if
    ) ;_ end of progn
    (princ " ...Nothing selected")
  ) ;_ end of if
Posted in AutoLISP, AutoLISP XREFs, XREFs | 20 Comments

Fixing Your Broken Concrete Hatch Pattern

I hope that you noticed something in my previous blog post about fixing holes in hatches that didn’t have anything to do with that topic. In fact, this is a very common issue that plagues AutoCAD Civil 3D users. As you can tell by the title of the post, it is the fact that AutoCAD and the OOTB (Out Of The Box) concrete hatch pattern seem to not get along very well.
Sidenote: I think that the problem still persists on other custom concrete patterns as well.

Concrete Hatch Pattern OOTB

As seen below, The issue seems to be only one triangle that is repeated.

Broken Hatch Pattern1

Here is a good rule of thumb when it comes to AutoCAD. The further away your drawing elements are from the “Origin” (0,0,0) the more weird stuff tends to happen in your drawing. And since Civil 3D works in real-world coordinates, our drawings are far away from the origin. I live in the Denver Colorado area, so my drawings are not only far from zero, zero but also the 3rd zero as we are a mile high…

Broken Hatch 1

Luckily, there is an easy solution to this. You can give hatches a new origin while leaving your UCS alone.

Simply select the hatch so that the “Hatch Editor” contextual tab is shown, Then click on “Set Origin” as shown below and then click on a point that is within the area where your drawing objects are located. I would suggest using a common point as the new origin. Something like the corner of a building. That way if you have two areas that are hatched separately but are right next to each other, they will have the same pattern.

Broken Hatch 2


Broken Hatch Pattern 3


Posted in BASICS, Civil 3D, Civil 3D Tips, Hatch, Modifying, TIPS, Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Fix Your AutoCAD Hatch Holes

Does your drawing have holy hatches? Some of the drawings I work on have these annoying outline/remnants of objects that have been moved or deleted. And now I have to clean them up.

Some of these objects could have been geometry that has moved, but the most common culprit is text objects that were included when the hatch was made. Some people opt for this method as a way of masking their text. But the problem with that method is what we are dealing with in this blog post – holes in the hatch.

Here’s how to fix it:

  • Select the hatch or use the command HATCHEDIT first and then select the hatch.
  • Click the “Remove” button in the “Hatch Editor” contextual ribbon tab.
  • Select the boundaries that you want to be removed.
  • Hit enter to finish

As a side note, if you need to include an object, you can click the “SELECT” button to add objects to the hatch.

Posted in Hatch, Modifying, TIPS | 3 Comments

LISP version of Closest Distance Between Two Objects

The previous tip showcased a command that is available in Civil 3D that lets you find the closest distance between 2 objects and even draws a line at the closest points.

Here is a LISP routine that lets you do the same thing without having Civil 3D.

The LISP routine is found at the swamp.org and is by Joe Burke, Charles Alan Butler and VovKa.

Here’s How:

  • Load the LISP file.
  • In the command line use MD to select the 2 objects. The routine will show the minimum distance in the command line.
  • If you would like for there to be a line drawn that shows the minimum distance, enter MDL in the command line and a line will be drawn that shows the closest distance.





;; http://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=23170.60
;; By Joe Burke, Charles Alan Butler and VovKa at theswamp.

;; Bug reports may be sent to me (Joe Burke) directly at 
;; lowercase@hawaii.rr.com

;; Version 1.0 - 5/28/2008.
;;  Find the minimum distance between two vlax-curve objects. 
;;  Supported object types: line, circle, arc, ellipse, polyline and spline.
;;  Shortcut: MD

;; Notes version 1.0:
;;  If two lines are parallel they are reported as such.
;;  If the Z values of the two points found are not equal,
;;  report at command line Z1 = x Z2 = x. When the objects
;;  are not coplanar, the apparent minimum distance will 
;;  usually differ from the actual minimum distance.
;;  There's an option to add a line on the current layer
;;  drawn between the two closest points.
;;  The object types selected are reported at the command line.

;;  Version history:

;;  Version 1.2 beta - 5/31/2008
;;   Added the MinDistLine routine. Shortcut: MDL.
;;   Allows the user to place a line between the last two closest points
;;   calculated by MinDist after it ends. This avoids having to choose
;;   whether a line is placed within MinDist itself. The idea is MinDist
;;   is primarily a measuring tool. As such a minimum distance line is
;;   rarely needed. Note, If the line drawn by MDL is off-screen it is 
;;   selected, otherwise not.

;;  Version 1.3 beta - 6/8/2008
;;   Added support for nested objects in blocks and xrefs.
;;   Added MD:GetXrefs, MD:GetObject, MD:UnlockLayers, MD:RelockLayers 
;;   and MD:XMark sub-functions.
;;   The first object selected is highlighted until the the second
;;   object is selected similar to the fillet tool. If the first object
;;   is contained in an xref it is not highlighted. Rather a temporary 
;;   X mark is placed where the object was selected to indicate the
;;   the object is contained in an xref.

;;  Version 1.4 beta - 6/10/2008
;;   Added error checking for non-uniformly scaled blocks.

;;  Version 1.4a - 6/21/2008
;;   Bug fix for 2D (heavy) and 3D polylines.
;;   Bug fix to avoid error if a dimension is selected.
;;   Revised report when the Z values of the two points are not the same.

;;  Version 1.5 beta - 6/30/2008
;;   Added support for object types point, ray and xline.
;;   If a ray or xline is involved the search for closest point along its 
;;   length is limited by the current view. The search extends beyond the
;;   limits of the current view by a factor of approximately two both ways.

;;  Version 1.5a beta - 7/1/2008
;;   Fixed a bug with rays and xlines.
;;   Both MD and MDL now report when both closest points are off screen.
;;   Revised the MDL routine so it will not draw a very short or zero
;;   length line. Added report for this case.
;;   Added miscellaneous error checking.

;;  Version 1.5b beta - 7/2/2008
;;   Enter at select object prompt ends the routine.
;;   Revised the UniformScale sub-routine to allow operation with objects
;;   nested in dimensions. Thanks to Steve Doman.

;;  Version 1.5c beta - 7/14/2008
;;   Revised the fuzz factor in the MD:UniformScale function.

;;  Version 1.5d - 8/24/2008
;;   Added vla-StartUndoMark and vla-EndUndoMark. An undo after the 
;;   routine would restore a copied object.
;;   Added function MinDistMove (MDM). Moves a selection set from
;;   the first MinDist point to the second. The first object selected
;;   within MinDist is the first point.

;;  Version 1.5e - 9/6/2008
;;   Fixed a minor bug which effected the MinDistMove function when
;;   a ray or xline is involved.

;;  Version 1.5f - 10/1/2008
;;   Added Copy version of move. Shourtcut MDC.

  ;; Both MinDist and MinDistLine use the following two functions.

  ;; Returns the coordinates of the current view, lower left and upper right.
  ;; Works in a rotated view. Returns a list of two 2D UCS points.
  (defun MD:GetScreenCoords ( / ViwCen ViwDim ViwSiz VptMin VptMax)
   (setq ViwSiz (/ (getvar "VIEWSIZE") 2.0)
         ViwCen (getvar "VIEWCTR")
         ViwDim (list
                  (* ViwSiz (apply '/ (getvar "SCREENSIZE")))
         VptMin (mapcar '- ViwCen ViwDim)
         VptMax (mapcar '+ ViwCen ViwDim)
   (list VptMin VptMax)
  ) ;end

  ;; Arguments: 
  ;;  p1 - WCS or UCS point which defines the first corner of area
  ;;  p2 - WCS or UCS point which defines the second corner of area
  ;;  pt - point translated to UCS.
  ;; Returns: T if pt falls within area.
  (defun MD:PointInside (p1 p2 pt / xval yval)
      (setq pt (trans pt 0 1)
            xval (car pt)
            yval (cadr pt)
      (< (min (car p1) (car p2)) xval (max (car p1) (car p2)))
      (< (min (cadr p1) (cadr p2)) yval (max (cadr p1) (cadr p2)))
  ) ;end

(defun c:MinDist ( / *error* doc blocks units obj1 obj2 typ1 typ2 pkpt p2 sc 
                     div fuzz d bd len inc idx resdist dellst res1 res2 pts 
                     locklst interflag z1 z2 diff temp reverseflag 
                     MD:Wait MD:NormalAngle MD:ParallelObjects MD:Pick 
                     MD:GetXrefs MD:UnlockLayers MD:RelockLayers MD:GetObject 
                     MD:XMark MD:UniformScale MD:XlineOrRay)
                     ;; global vars: *mdp1* and *mdpt*


  (defun *error* (msg)
      ((not msg))
      ((wcmatch (strcase msg) "*QUIT*,*CANCEL*"))
      (T (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)))
    (setvar "lunits" units)
        (not (vlax-erased-p obj1))
      (vla-highlight obj1 acFalse)
    ;; Objects may be switched when a ray or xline
    ;; is involved.
        (not (vlax-erased-p obj2))
      (vla-highlight obj2 acFalse)
    (MD:Wait 0.2)
    (foreach x dellst (vla-delete x))
    (MD:RelockLayers locklst)
    (vla-EndUndoMark doc)
  ) ;end error


  ;; Unlock locked layers.
  ;; Argument: document object.
  ;; Returns a list of layer objects which were locked, 
  ;; or nil if none are locked.
  ;; Typically the function filters out xref layers,
  ;; but not in this case.
  (defun MD:UnlockLayers (doc / laylst)
    (vlax-for x (vla-get-Layers doc)
      (if (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-lock x))
          (setq laylst (cons x laylst))
          (vla-put-lock x :vlax-false)
  ) ;end

  ;; Argument: a list of layer objects from UnlockLayers above.
  ;; Use vl-catch-all-apply in case a locked
  ;; layer was deleted in the calling function.
  (defun MD:RelockLayers (lst)
    (foreach x lst
      (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-lock (list x :vlax-true))
  ) ;end

  (defun MD:GetXrefs (blklst / lst)
    (if (vl-every '(lambda (x) (= (type x) 'ENAME)) blklst)
      (foreach blk (mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object blklst)
        (if (vlax-property-available-p blk 'Path)
          (setq lst (cons blk lst))
    (reverse lst)
  ) ;end

  (defun MD:Wait (seconds / stop)
    (setq stop (+ (getvar "DATE") (/ seconds 86400.0)))
    (while (> stop (getvar "DATE"))
  ) ;end

  ;; Argument: angle in radians, any number including negative.
  ;; Returns: normalized angle in radians between zero and (* pi 2)
  (defun MD:NormalAngle (a)
    (if (numberp a)
      (angtof (angtos a 0 14) 0))
  ) ;end

  ;; Returns T if two lines, rays or xlines are parallel.
  (defun MD:ParallelObjects (obj1 obj2 fuzz / ang1 ang2)
    (if (eq "AcDbLine" (vlax-get obj1 'ObjectName))
      (setq ang1 (MD:NormalAngle (vlax-get obj1 'Angle)))
      (setq ang1 (MD:NormalAngle 
        (angle (vlax-get obj1 'BasePoint) (vlax-get obj1 'SecondPoint)))
    (if (eq "AcDbLine" (vlax-get obj2 'ObjectName))
      (setq ang2 (MD:NormalAngle (vlax-get obj2 'Angle)))
      (setq ang2 (MD:NormalAngle 
        (angle (vlax-get obj2 'BasePoint) (vlax-get obj2 'SecondPoint)))
      (equal ang1 ang2 fuzz)
      (equal ang1 (MD:NormalAngle (+ pi ang2)) fuzz)
      (equal ang2 (MD:NormalAngle (+ pi ang1)) fuzz)
      (equal (MD:NormalAngle (+ pi ang1)) (MD:NormalAngle (+ pi ang2)) fuzz)
  ) ;end

  (defun MD:Pick (msg / typlst e obj typ scflag)

    (setq typlst '("AcDbLine" "AcDbArc" "AcDbCircle" "AcDbEllipse" 
                   "AcDbPolyline" "AcDb2dPolyline" "AcDb2dVertex"
                   "AcDb3dPolyline" "AcDb3dPolylineVertex" "AcDbSpline"
                   "AcDbRay" "AcDbXline" "AcDbPoint"))

    (setvar "errno" 0)
        (not (setq e (nentselp msg)))
        (not (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car e))))
        (not (vl-position (setq typ (vlax-get obj 'ObjectName)) typlst))
          (cadddr e)
          (not (apply 'and (mapcar 'MD:UniformScale (last e))))
          (setq scflag T)
        ((= 52 (getvar "errno"))
        ((not e)
          (princ "\nMissed pick. ")
          (princ "\nNon-uniformly scaled block detected, try again. ")
          (setq scflag nil)
          (princ (strcat "\n " (substr typ 5) " selected, try again. "))
          (setq typ nil)
        (eq "AcDb2dVertex" typ)
        (eq "AcDb3dPolylineVertex" typ)
      (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (car e)))))
            typ (vlax-get obj 'ObjectName)

    ;; Used to mark xref. Point passed to MD:XMark. 
    ;; The variable is local in the main routine.
    (setq pkpt (cadr e))
    (if (= 2 (length e))
      (list obj typ)
      (list obj typ (caddr e) (cadddr e))
  ) ;end

  ;; Argument: UCS point.
  ;; Returns: nil
  (defun MD:XMark (pt / len p1 p2 p3 p4)
    (setq len (/ (getvar "viewsize") 75.0)
          p1 (polar pt (* pi 0.3) len)
          p2 (polar pt (* pi 0.7) len)
          p3 (polar pt (* pi 1.3) len)
          p4 (polar pt (* pi 1.7) len)
    (grdraw p1 p3 7)
    (grdraw p2 p4 7)
  ) ;end

  ;; Test for uniformly scaled block reference.
  (defun MD:UniformScale (obj / x y z)
    (if (= (type obj) 'ENAME)
      (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj))
    ;; Added 7/2/2008.
    (if (wcmatch (vlax-get obj 'ObjectName) "*Dimension")
        (setq x (vlax-get obj 'XScaleFactor)
              y (vlax-get obj 'YScaleFactor)
              z (vlax-get obj 'ZScaleFactor)
          (equal (abs x) (abs y) 1e-12)
          (equal (abs y) (abs z) 1e-12)
  ) ;end

  ;; Argument: a list returned by MD:Pick.
  ;; Returns: a vla-object. The first object in list if the object is
  ;; not nested. Otherwise a transformed copy of the object. 
  (defun MD:GetObject (lst / blkref blk obj)
      ;; Object is not nested.
      ((= 2 (length lst))
        (setq obj (car lst))
      ;; Object is nested in an xref. Copy it within the xref database.
      ;; The owner is not specified within the CopyObjects function.
      ((setq blkref (car (MD:GetXrefs (last lst))))
        (setq blk (vla-item blocks (vlax-get blkref 'Name)))
        (setq obj
              (vlax-get blk 'XRefDatabase) 'CopyObjects (list (car lst)))))
        (vla-transformby obj (vlax-tmatrix (caddr lst)))
        (setq dellst (cons obj dellst))
        ;; Grdraw X mark on xref where it was selected
        ;; if it is the first object selected.
        (if (not obj1) (MD:XMark pkpt))
      ;; Object is nested in a block reference. 
      ;; Copy it from the block and highlight in the main 
      ;; routine if it is the first object selected.
        (setq obj 
          (car (vlax-invoke doc 'CopyObjects (list (car lst))
            (vlax-get (vla-get-ActiveLayout doc) 'Block))))
        (vla-transformby obj (vlax-tmatrix (caddr lst)))
        (setq dellst (cons obj dellst))
  ) ;end

  ;; Argument: ray or xline vla-object.
  ;; Returns: a list of two 3D WCS points beyond where the object
  ;; intersects the edges of the current view.
  ;; The base point of a ray may be returned depending on its
  ;; location relative to the view.
  ;; Revised 6/30/2008.
  (defun MD:XlineOrRay (obj / basept zval secpt lst p pts p2 d typ 
                              expt1 expt2 MD:RectanglePts MD:RectangleList 

    ;;;; Sub-functions...

    ;; Pass two points representing a diagonal.
    ;; Returns a list of four UCS points.
    (defun MD:RectanglePts (p1 p2)
        (list (car p2) (cadr p1) (caddr p1)) ; revised 6/27/2008 
        (list (car p1) (cadr p2) (caddr p2)) ; should be OK within context, testing
    ) ;end

    (defun MD:RectangleList ( p1 p2 / rpts)
      (setq rpts (MD:RectanglePts p1 p2))
      (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (list a b)) rpts (append (cdr rpts) (list (car rpts))))
    ) ;end

    (defun MD:FarthestPoint (pt ptlst / x dist res)
      (setq x 0)
      (foreach p ptlst
        (setq dist (distance p pt))
        (if (> dist x)
          (setq x dist res p)
    ) ;end

    ;;;; End Sub-functions

    (setq basept (trans (vlax-get obj 'BasePoint) 0 1)
          zval (caddr basept)
          secpt (trans (vlax-get obj 'SecondPoint) 0 1)
          typ (vlax-get obj 'ObjectName)

    ;; two 2D UCS points
    (if (not sc)
      (setq sc (MD:GetScreenCoords))
    (setq d (distance (car sc) (cadr sc))
          sc (mapcar '(lambda (x) (append x (list zval))) sc)
          lst (MD:RectangleList (car sc) (cadr sc))
          sc nil

    (foreach x lst
          (setq p (inters basept secpt (car x) (cadr x) nil))
          (inters basept p (car x) (cadr x))
        (setq pts (cons p pts))

      ((eq "AcDbXline" typ)
        (setq expt1 (polar (cadr pts) (angle (cadr pts) (car pts)) (* 2 d))
              expt2 (polar (car pts) (angle (car pts) (cadr pts)) (* 2 d))
              pts (reverse (list expt1 expt2))
      ;; Revised 6/29/2008
      ((eq "AcDbRay" typ)
        (setq expt1 (MD:FarthestPoint basept pts)
              expt1 (polar expt1 (angle basept secpt) (* 2 d))
              pts (list basept expt1)
        ;; If base point is far away attempt to get a closer point 
        ;; by testing for param at point.
        (setq expt2 (polar expt1 (angle secpt basept) (* 5 d)))
        (if (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint obj (trans expt2 1 0))
          (setq pts (reverse (list expt2 expt1)))
    ;; Trans UCS points to WCS as needed.
    (mapcar '(lambda (x) (trans x 1 0)) pts)
  ) ;end MD:XlineOrRay



  (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
        blocks (vla-get-Blocks doc)
        locklst (MD:UnlockLayers doc)
        units (getvar "lunits")
  (vla-StartUndoMark doc)


  (princ "\nSelect line, circle, arc, ellipse, polyline, spline, point, ray or xline.")

      (setq res1 (MD:Pick "\nFirst object: "))
      (setq typ1 (cadr res1))
      (princ (substr typ1 5))
      (setq obj1 (MD:GetObject res1))
      (not (vla-highlight obj1 acTrue))
      ;; Get the screen coordinates here in case
      ;; the user pans between select objects.
          (eq "AcDbRay" typ1)
          (eq "AcDbXline" typ1)
        (setq sc (MD:GetScreenCoords))
      (setq res2 (MD:Pick "\nSecond object: "))
      (setq typ2 (cadr res2))
      (princ (substr typ2 5))
      (setq obj2 (MD:GetObject res2))
        ((equal obj1 obj2)
          (princ "\n Same object selected twice. ")
          (setq resdist 0.0
                interflag T
        ((vlax-invoke obj1 'IntersectWith obj2 acExtendNone)
          (princ "\n Objects intersect. ")
          (setq resdist 0.0
                interflag T
           (eq typ1 "AcDbPoint")
           (eq typ2 "AcDbPoint")
          (setq *mdpt* (vlax-get obj1 'Coordinates)
                *mdp1* (vlax-get obj2 'Coordinates)
                d (distance *mdpt* *mdp1*)
           (eq typ1 "AcDbPoint")
           (eq typ2 "AcDbPoint")
          (if (eq typ1 "AcDbPoint")
            (setq *mdpt* (vlax-get obj1 'Coordinates)
                  *mdp1* (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo obj2 *mdpt*)
            (setq *mdpt* (vlax-get obj2 'Coordinates)
                  *mdp1* (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo obj1 *mdpt*)
          (setq d (distance *mdpt* *mdp1*))
        ;; Core stuff follows.
             (eq typ2 "AcDbRay")
             (eq typ2 "AcDbXline")
            ;; Reverse the objects and set a flag to reverse 
            ;; the points later.
            (setq temp obj1 obj1 obj2 obj2 temp reverseflag T)
          (if (vlax-curve-getEndParam obj1)
            (setq len (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam obj1 (vlax-curve-getEndParam obj1)))
            ;; Obj1 is an xline or ray.
              (setq pts (MD:XlineOrRay obj1)
                    len (distance (car pts) (cadr pts))
                    idx1 (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint obj1 (car pts))
                    idx2 (vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint obj1 (cadr pts))
              (if (< idx1 idx2)
                (setq idx idx1)
                (setq idx idx2)

          (if (not idx) (setq idx 0))

          ;; Number of divisions seems more than sufficient.
          (setq div 200
                inc (/ len div)
                fuzz 1e-8

          ;; Check first object for the closest point on second object.
          (setq bd 
              (setq *mdp1* (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist obj1 idx))
              (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo obj2 *mdp1*)
          (repeat (1+ div)
                (setq *mdp1* (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist obj1 idx))
                (setq p2 (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo obj2 *mdp1*))
                (setq d (distance *mdp1* p2))
                (setq idx (+ idx inc))
                (if (<= d bd)
                  (setq bd d *mdpt* *mdp1*)
          ;; Refine the minimum distance as needed. Start with closest
          ;; point on first object. Bounce the closest points back and
          ;; forth between the two objects until delta distance is less
          ;; than the fuzz factor.
                (- (distance *mdpt* 
                   (setq *mdp1* (vlax-curve-GetClosestPointTo obj2 *mdpt*)))
                   (setq d 
                     (distance *mdp1* 
                       (setq *mdpt* (vlax-curve-GetClosestPointTo obj1 *mdp1*))))
      ) ;cond

      (if (and d *mdpt* *mdp1*)
          (setq resdist d)
          ;; Added 9/6/2008.
          ;; If objects were reversed, reverse the points.
          (if reverseflag
            (setq temp *mdpt* *mdpt* *mdp1* *mdp1* temp)
          (grdraw (trans *mdpt* 0 1) (trans *mdp1* 0 1) -7 1)
                (eq "AcDbLine" typ1)
                (eq "AcDbXline" typ1)
                (eq "AcDbRay" typ1)
                (eq "AcDbLine" typ2)
                (eq "AcDbXline" typ2)
                (eq "AcDbRay" typ2)
            (if (MD:ParallelObjects obj1 obj2 1e-8)
              (if (and (eq "AcDbLine" typ1) (eq "AcDbLine" typ2))
                (princ "\n Lines are parallel. ")
                (princ "\n Linear objects are parallel. ")
          ;; Check the Z values of the two closest points.
          (setq z1 (caddr *mdpt*) z2 (caddr *mdp1*) diff (abs (- z1 z2)))
            ((equal z1 z2 1e-10))
            ;; Units are scientific, decimal or engineering.
            ((< units 4)
                (strcat "\n Z values of the points differ by: "
                  (rtos diff units 10)
            ;; The maximum display accuracy of architectural or
            ;; fractional units is 0.00196. If diff is less, 
            ;; change units to decimal.
               (> units 3)
               (< diff 0.00196)
                (strcat "\n Z values of the points differ by: "
                  (rtos diff (setvar "lunits" 2) 10)
              (setvar "lunits" units)
            ;; Otherwise display diff in architectural or fractional units.
                (strcat "\n Z values of the points differ by: "
                  (rtos diff)
          ) ;cond
        ) ;progn
      ) ;if
    ) ;progn
  ) ;if

  (if (and resdist *mdpt* *mdp1*)
      (princ (strcat "\n Distance: " (rtos resdist)))
      (if (not interflag)
          (setq sc (MD:GetScreenCoords))
              (MD:PointInside (car sc) (cadr sc) *mdpt*)
              (MD:PointInside (car sc) (cadr sc) *mdp1*)
            (princ "  Enter MDL to place minimum distance line. ")
            (princ "  Off screen points. MDL to place minimum distance line.")
    (princ "\n Could not calculate minimum distance. ")
  (*error* nil)
) ;end MinDist

(defun c:MD () (c:MinDist))

;; Added 8/24/2008.
;; Allows a selection set to be moved from the first MinDist point to
;; the second MinDist point. So the order of object selection within 
;; MinDist is important in terms of which way the selection set will move.
;; IOW, if the user anticipates using this function after MD, the first object 
;; selected determines move from point. The second object selected is 
;; the move to point.
(defun c:MinDistMove ( / *error* doc osm ss)

  (defun *error* (msg)
      ((not msg))
      ((wcmatch (strcase msg) "*QUIT*,*CANCEL*"))
      (T (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)))
    (setvar "osmode" osm)
    (vla-EndUndoMark doc)
  ) ;end error

  (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (vla-StartUndoMark doc)
  (setq osm (getvar "osmode"))
  (if (and *mdpt* *mdp1* (setq ss (ssget)))
      (setvar "osmode" 0)
      ;; Added trans 8/27/2008.
      (command "._move" ss "" (trans *mdpt* 0 1) (trans *mdp1* 0  1))
    (princ "\nNothing selected or minimum distance points not set. ")
  (*error* nil)
) ;end
(defun c:MDM () (c:MinDistMove))

(defun c:MinDistCopy ( / *error* doc osm ss)

  (defun *error* (msg)
      ((not msg))
      ((wcmatch (strcase msg) "*QUIT*,*CANCEL*"))
      (T (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)))
    (setvar "osmode" osm)
    (vla-EndUndoMark doc)
  ) ;end error

  (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (vla-StartUndoMark doc)
  (setq osm (getvar "osmode"))
  (if (and *mdpt* *mdp1* (setq ss (ssget)))
      (setvar "osmode" 0)
      ;; Added trans 8/27/2008.
      (command "._copy" ss "" (trans *mdpt* 0 1) (trans *mdp1* 0  1))
    (princ "\nNothing selected or minimum distance points not set. ")
  (*error* nil)
) ;end
(defun c:MDC () (c:MinDistCopy))

;; Revised 6/30/2008.
;; Draw minimum distance line on the current layer.
(defun c:MinDistLine ( / d sc ss)
    ((not (and *mdpt* *mdp1*))
      (princ "\n Minimum distance points not found. Run MD and then MDL to draw line.")
       (setq d (distance *mdpt* *mdp1*))
       ;(print d) ;testing
       (< d 1e-5)
      (princ "\n Minimum distance points are too close together. ")
          '(0 . "LINE")
           (cons 8 (getvar "clayer"))
           (cons 10 *mdpt*)
           (cons 11 *mdp1*)
      (setq sc (MD:GetScreenCoords))
          (MD:PointInside (car sc) (cadr sc) *mdpt*)
          (MD:PointInside (car sc) (cadr sc) *mdp1*)
        (princ "\n Minimum distance line placed. ")
          (princ "\n Minimum distance line placed off screen and selected. ")
          (sssetfirst nil (setq ss (ssget "L")))
) ;end MinDistLine

(defun c:MDL () (c:MinDistLine))
Posted in AutoLISP, AutoLISP: Creating, AutoLISP: Dimensions, Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Civil 3D: Closest Distance Between Two Objects

There are so many useful drafting tools within Civil 3D, many of which could be great additions to “vanilla” AutoCAD. Today’s post will be the first of many helpful tools found in Civil 3D and if possible, I will post LISP routines that provides the same functionality available to AutoCAD.

While working on some road access areas that lead into parking lots, I need to find and measure the closest points between two objects to verify that cars & trucks can fit in the lane.
Shown below is an example of an access point along a roadway. These are not parallel, so I am unable to measure at a nearest spot along a curb and find the distance perpendicular to the other side of the road.

Road Example

The handy tool that is found within Civil 3D is found on the “Analyze” tab and in the “Inquiry” panel’s dropdown list. The tool is named a long one… “Minimum Distance Between Entities”

Ribbon Minimum Distance

The command is MinDistBetweenEntities


Here’s how:

  • The tool is as easy as selecting two objects. After selecting the objects, the results are listed in the command line.
  • You are then asked if you would like a line to be drawn that connects the 2 closest points. I selected Yes because I need to place a dimension at these points.

In the example shown below, the objects selected are Polylines.

Minimum Distance Animated


Minimum Distance Finished

Posted in Civil 3D, Civil 3D Tips, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Civil 3D 2017: Restore Missing Style Drop-Down Lists

Well, I am currently a (novice) Civil 3D user, and I do a lot of annotating. But I noticed that when I need to change styles for Multileaders and Tables, the drop-down list in the ribbon is missing. The obvious workaround is to use the properties palette. But I am so used to having the drop-down lists in the ribbon.

Luckily there is a system variable to restore these drop-down lists.
By setting the system variable GALLERYVIEW to 0 (zero),

Below quote from the “Help menu”
Controls the type of preview in the ribbon drop-down galleries.
0 (zero) = Displays the list view.
1 = Displays the thumbnail view.

The drawback to turning this off is that you no longer have the new gallery preview functionality. So keep that in mind as you use this variable…

Civil 3D 2017 Mising Dropdowns

Civil 3D 2017 Mising Dropdowns Restored

Posted in Civil 3D, User Interface | Leave a comment

Lisp: Delete Extra Annotative Scales from Objects

This routine has helped me many times when receiving drawings from others that include annotative blocks and text, you may not need as many scales that are applied to these annotative objects.

Everything looks fine with the received file shown below. When I hover over the text and blocks it shows that there are more than one annotation scales applied to them. This is indicated by the two annotative symbols.

Annotative Scale 2

Then you go ahead and select the annotative objects and that’s when these extra annotation scales start their fun.

Annotative Scale 3

Annotative Scale 5

Annotative Scale 4 Even though you can manually delete scales from objects, it is time-consuming and can be prone to miss some objects. That is where this LISP routine comes in handy. provided by Irneb found [here].

When you are in model space, set your scale and then use this routine to purge out all of the scales except the current scale.

::: Delete Annotative Scale Execpt Current
;;; By Irneb
;;; http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?53069-Annotative-troubles&p=359702&viewfull=1#post359702

(defun c:ObjectScaleCurOnly (/ ss n scLst OSC:GetScales)
  (print "Select the objects you wish to modify: ")
  (if (or (setq ss (ssget "I")) (setq ss (ssget)))
      ;; Define helper function to get scales attached to an entity
      (defun OSC:GetScales (en / ed xn xd cdn cdd asn asd cn cd sn sd cannoscale)
        (setq ed (entget en))
        (if (and
              ;; Get the XDictionary attached to the object
              (setq xn (vl-position '(102 . "{ACAD_XDICTIONARY") ed))
              (setq xn (cdr (nth (1+ xn) ed)))
              (setq xd (entget xn))
              ;; Get the Context Data Management dictionary attached to the XDictionary
              (setq cdn (vl-position '(3 . "AcDbContextDataManager") xd))
              (setq cdn (cdr (nth (1+ cdn) xd)))
              (setq cdd (entget cdn))
              ;; Get the Annotation Scales dictionary attached to the CD
              (setq asn (vl-position '(3 . "ACDB_ANNOTATIONSCALES") cdd))
              (setq asn (cdr (nth (1+ asn) cdd)))
              (setq asd (entget asn))
              ;; Get the 1st scale attached
              (setq cn (assoc 3 asd))
              (setq cn (member cn asd))
          ;; Step through all scales attached
          (while cn
            (if (and (= (caar cn) 350) ;It it's pointing to a scale record
                     ;; Get the record's data
                     (setq cd (entget (cdar cn)))
                     ;; Get the Context data class
                     (setq sn (assoc 340 cd))
                     (setq sd (entget (cdr sn)))
                     (setq sn (assoc 300 sd))
                     ;; Check if the scale is already in the list
                     (not (vl-position (cdr sn) scLst))
              ;; Add it to the list
              (setq scLst (cons (cdr sn) scLst))
            (setq cn (cdr cn))

      ;; Find a list of scales used in selection
      (setq n (sslength ss))
      (while (>= (setq n (1- n)) 0)
        (OSC:GetScales (ssname ss n))

      ;; Add the current scale to the selection
      (setq cannoscale (getvar "CANNOSCALE"))
      (command "._ObjectScale" ss "" "_Add" cannoscale "")

      ;; Remove all other scales attached
      (command "._ObjectScale" ss "" "_Delete")
      (foreach n scLst
        (if (wcmatch (strcase n) (strcat "~" (strcase cannoscale)))
          (command n)
      (command "")

Posted in AutoLISP, AutoLISP: Text, Modifying | 5 Comments